- Teacher: Julaida Abdul Jalil
- Teacher: Mohd Izwan Mamat
- Teacher: Shaifuladi Shaharuddin
Skill Level: Beginner

This subject focused on the basic wiring practice for both industrial and residential installations. It also covers the basic knowledge on the electro-technical devices and instruments, especially in performing the required installations by using the appropriate tools. In addition, it is also to provide students with clear and refined understanding of electrical installations and electrical control system.
The students will be guided in the usage and fixtures of electrical items, as well as wiring installations. Health and safety aspects are incorporated into the subject to provide students with knowledge on performing work functions with due care.Course Work :-
- Technical Report 30%
- Practical Tests 30%
- Project with Presentation 40%
Total Marks 100%
- Teacher: Mohd Izwan Mamat
Skill Level: Beginner

Guidelines for E-Learning and "HOW-TO" for all lecturers of UNIKL MSI
- Teacher: Johan Ihsan Mahmood
- Teacher: Faiza Mohamed Nasir
Skill Level: Beginner

- Teacher: Julaida Abdul Jalil
- Teacher: Johan Ihsan Mahmood
- Teacher: Mohd Izwan Mamat
- Teacher: W Faradiana W Maidin
Skill Level: Beginner